Covenant was started in August of 2012 out of a burden from God to begin a church whose members are united under the Lordship of Christ, the inerrancy of His word, and their solemn obligation as those who have been made new creatures in Him to live a life of holiness and separation from the unbelieving world (2 Cor. 6:14-18). We truly desire to be salt and light to the brokenhearted by lovingly sharing the message of grace and forgiveness found only in the person of Jesus Christ (John 14:6).
As believers, we long for the truth of God to permeate our lives and for His Spirit to conform us into the image of Christ—that the redemption and new life He offers to all will be evident to everyone we meet. As we are faithful to Christ, we trust He will use our witness of His grace and truth to strengthen our families and our communities by beginning faith in all who will hear and building the Kingdom of God.
Now that you know who we are, if you desire to come and see what God is doing among us, we invite you to join us as we worship the Savior this Lord’s Day!
In His Service,
Pastor Todd